Learn about M&M Academy!


The early years are an important time in a child's life to develop the skills necessary to help him or her to succeed in school. But we believe success in school depends on a combination of learning basic skills such as, numbers, letters, shapes and colors and expanding the learning environment to encourage creativity, curiosity and critical thinking skills. Children are active learners within the classroom and teachers design lesson plans around children interests.

To meet the needs of busy parents, M&M Academy offers a year- round tuition based. infant, toddler and preschool program. We also offer a tuition- free program for eligible 4-year-old children through the Great Start to Readiness Program (GSRP) with wrap around latchkey (for a fee).

We are open Monday-Friday from 7:45 am to 5:30 pm.   


Our Early Learning Building (newly remodeled in 2018) features 5 classrooms, an indoor play space and two large outdoor playgrounds! This space is designed to meet the unique needs of infants, toddlers and three year old children. Call 313-581-3490 to schedule a tour today!

M&M Academy

Now Enrolling for

The Great Start to Readiness Program (GSRP)

GSRP is a free preschool program for eligible children who turn 4 years of age before Dec. 01. Call 313-581-3490 for registration information. *These materials were developed under a grant awarded by the Michigan Department of Education.

Need family resources? Great Start Wayne is your go to for family fun, education and more!
